Last updated date:2020/9/15

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Yokohama Smart City Project (YSCP)

Yokohama Smart City Project

2010 – 2014: Demonstration

Having been selected in 2010 by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) as a “Next-Generation Energy and Social System Demonstration Area,” Yokohama has been promoting demonstration projects for the Yokohama Smart City Project (YSCP).
The city has been working, for example, on introduction of a system to optimize the energy supply and demand balance in existing urban areas in collaboration with 34 of Japan’s leading energy- related operators, electronics manufacturers, construction companies and more.

The city will continue to develop YSCP activities “from demonstration to implementation.”

YSCP demonstration

2015 – : Implementation

A new public-private cooperation organization, the Yokohama Smart Business Association (YSBA), was established in order to advance “from demonstration to implementation,” making use of the technology and know-how that has been fostered through the Yokohama Smart City Project (YSCP).
Yokohama aims to be an energy-recycling city that is environmentally robust, resistant to disasters, and economically strong, endeavoring also to expand use of its accumulated technology and systems both in and outside Japan.

YSCP implementation

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